Friday, June 15, 2007


Ok, for all those who don't know, I, YES, I've ALWAYS wanted to be a member of the Black Panthers. There's no need to go into explaining anything, but that movement has a large chunk of my mind, body and soul...Oh, My People...and the Love I have for them to do right and love each other. I'm not going to ramble MUCH, but I'll share something I wrote not too long ago (after the video) revolutionary side lol!

OUTKAST w Erykah Badu, Cee Lo and Big Rube "LIBERATION"


I’m a Christian-Black-Panther-Cat; my Jesus is black and the white man has no place in my heart. I go to church on Sunday and I’m protesting on Monday; against those devils who’d have me slain. There’s nothing you can do for me white man, with your inequity stained smile. As you rush to help that which you’ve corrupted.
Your evil pains my Christ loving soul. You’ve turned my people against themselves and for that I owe you a payback; beware of this Black-Panther-Cat.

“Vengeance is Mine” says the Lord, but he gave me strong legs to pounce with jagged claws and a master plan delivering you to the Master’s Hand; kill you to death with my intellect with my goals set on the liberation of mine people.

“Let my people go” cried Moses and the same cry I to you. But I’ll only cry once with kindness and asking; turn the other cheek I won’t do. You’ve had your warning long enough this Black-Panther-Cat’s come to make you through.
Next time I see you with your hands on my people I’ma slice off one finger at a time. Next time I see you digging in their pockets, on your knees I’ll make you repay every dime. Reparations my A@#, it’s time to tithe; you owe us at least a tenth of you.

My generation and generations have been content and complacent with the nibbles you’ve forced us to share. Forget the 40 acres, and you can keep the mule; I'm coming after pieces of your first and last born. As you’ve dehumanized and robbed us of our minds; you’ve got my people talking crazy being lazy and committing crimes. You’ve got them beating black woman, doing drugs…having babies and going their way.

And what do you say? What do you have to say; with a grin soaked in sin.
Save your thoughts inside your head because I’m ripping out your tongue and rendering you speechless. You’ll never spread another lie or talk down to my people again. I’m tearing you down with my sharpened claws and you’ll surrender long before I win, and after you lose when you’re tattered and torn scattered and scorned; I’ll say a prayer for you since I’m a Christian too.


dc_speaks said...

hey im first....

this was a great piece, t.
*fat albert voice*
hey hey gots to write more stuff like that today!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I didn't know you had it in you Shug!
My favoite phrase: "kill you to death "
Didn't Mick say that about Clubber Lang in Rocky?

Jazzy said...

Deeeeeeeeeep girl!!

I am so feeling this "revolutionary" post. Particularly because I just got finished reading Assata Shakur's autobiography. I would love to meet that woman!

::Throws a fist in the air::

Jameil said...

wow! all i know is that song just made me download aquemeni on my ipod.

Miss Snarky Pants said...

I'm going to sum up what I have to say in just four lil' words which are: DAYYUUM GIRL....THAT WAS HOT!!!!

I this post!!

JustMeWriting said...

dc: so silly and thank you dude... I think I was kinda angry that day...LOL.

soj: yeah...sometimes a lil ra-ra comes out...hahaha!

op.d: lol...girl I was thinking about getting that book yesterday...and reading that stuff will SURE get you in the mood...and LOL @ pumpin ya fist in the air.

jameil: and I don't have that cd, but I think I'll have to get it too.

Consistently Inconsistent... said...

ME TOO!! I always wanted to be in the Black Panther Party. This was moving, revolutionary, thought provoking, riveting..all that good stuff


"The revolution has always been in the hands of the young. The young always inherit the revolution."-Huey P. Newton

Miss Snarky Pants said...

Just noticed I'm off by a previous comment ^ was supposed to say "FIVE lil' words" (instead of four).

deepnthought said...

Why did I feel like you were in my head. See nowwwwwwww I got to email you. lol.

This was on point.

I read Assata Shakur's book. I also read Afeni Shakur as well.

I have a Black Panther Library. lol
you name it I got it. lol

DurtyMo said...


Anonymous said...

AHA! You are the one downloading my X-Clan and Paris tracks off of Limewire!!


Anonymous said...

Wow! I almost missed the revolution. That video is deep. The message/images are......can't think of the right word. A combonation of powerful & angering. Help me out.

Anonymous said...

I meant combination ;(

JustMeWriting said...

C.I: (since that's what you GIRL...I'll be home watching ALL my 'pump ya fist' movies tonight...LOL.

ms.b: LOL...I didn't count, but now I know you slippen...I'ma start...LOL. JUST PLAYEN.

deep: GIRL... I'M BOUT TO BUILD ON MY COLLECTION NOW...LOL. I just love it...footage like this inspires me to move forward.

durtymo: LOL...well thank you..hahah thanks for the visit.


nic: WHERE DA FRIG YOU BEEN!!! lol... girl there was no right word for me...I just sat there like..."DAYUM" (compliments of durtymo)

P said...

Beautiful, girl. . .

The revolution will not be televised!!

Ms.Honey said...

LOL....half the congregation will protest with you :)

Have a great weekend!!

Bananas said...

To me the interesting thing about the Black Panther Party to me is the bad rap they have taken in some circles of our society. People seem to forget that Huey Newton, Bobby Seale and David Hilliard began the Panthers as a non faith based community service program. It's goals (which were well outlined by the Ten-Point Program) were really just to provide the services and political voice to the black community that the Government had pretty much abandoned.

In other words, they had to start looking out for their community and demanding social change, because no one else would. The racists still ruled the day and few politicians were willing to cross the line.

The negative violent imagine didn't manifest itself, until the social changes they were asking for began to be opposed. It was then they had to take a revolutionary stance, and for that they have always been criticized as evil in some way.

Strange huh? In 1776 that man was called a Revolutionary. In the 60's he was called a Criminal.

And folks say race doesn't matter.

JustMeWriting said...

p: thank you very much lady and thanks for the visit.

honey: lol...well I would hope's always good to have help.

terry: EXACTLY... but that's the gov. for you...FEAR OF THE BLACK CAT!!! lol, thanks for your input dude.

Rich Fitzgerald said...

Dayum -- you must be Baptist (It's a joke!)

The Brown Blogger said...

I think I'm in love with you...

dcsavvystar said...

WOW.... I think this is my favorite post of yours - AMAZING. the Outkast Liberation is an added bonus. One of the best songs they ever made. I am completely feeling you with this. Amazing post.

Rose said...

I love this post and the video. I went through wanting to be a Black Panther and actual told folks my brothers were members. Did I get a lot of respect in school for telling that lie. But I was proud and thought they were the best, and toughest people to support our cause.

CapCity said...

Yea - i agree with others - this is my favorite post of yours, Mz JMW! Sis u have raised the BAR! IF/When u're evah in NYC u gotta join me fo' choich! u would love my militant pastuh who woke us ALL up one Sunday morning when he went on a tirade about how tired he is of folx telling us to "get OVER slavery" since it ended "so" long ago. His response: "How the HELL can I forGET when it's the VERY reason I'm HERE toDAY!?" And he stated Thanx to Black Theologians we teaching a NEW twist on the Bible (no longer accepting the "downtrodden: do what yo' massa says" teachings of dayz gon' by) with images of Biblical characters who reflect the reality of the Biblical region!!

my apologies for getting carried away - but u got me started! lol!

Fergie said...

AWESOME Post...Keep it coming...

Andrew The Asshole said...

Black people could use another mind liberation. Blacks are stuck in their mindset.

Ab said...

feeling better now? :)
hey, miss yr quiz now... cudn respond for some time... btw, how did i fare?

JustMeWriting said...

rich: LOL... and you're actually

t.b.b: LOL... well thank you kindly...hahah, I must have said something

dcsavvy: THANK YOU LADY... I'm in flip mode...HAHAHA.

rose: LOL....HAHAHAH, OH MY GOODNESS! I can't believe you told those people that...hahahah, that's so funny, but Girl I'd have probably done the same thing...because I love them.

cap: GIRL...I'M SO THERE...LOL and thank you lady...just imagine the effects of an uprising of this sort...WHOA!!!

fergie: hello again, and thank you so very much.

andrew: LOL... yeah well, (no comment) but it's time to WAKE UP!!! (like Larry Fishburn said on School Daze)

ab: YES...LOL. I know...I'm going to do another one later this year, and yeah...if you'd have keep in there I'm sure you'd have faired (I'll give the exact via email)

Ray said...

Hey hey whattup long time no chat, nor blog commentary from ya. I see you are still running strong.

Just wanted to give you a lil shout out.


JustMeWriting said...

lol...hey ray...what's happening?

JustMeWriting said...
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