Saturday, July 14, 2007

Dear Diary

Hey guys...this is a real 'dear diary moment' has become my I'm sittin up in my room breathing right now. Thinking about that first love...

I ate this man people...he was my sustenance. He was the rule all else were exceptions; He's designed the floorplan all others must follow...he just IS.

I changed this post from yesterday to reflect my thoughts today. The 'one' we've all got him/her coming or the've gone, but I've learned to believe in soul-mates...some people just seem to fit perfectly together.

So I've been thinking about mine this weekend and boy, does that man affect me, but again...this too will pass, but until that day's what I'ma do:


CapCity said...

Sitting up in your room ain't gonna help. LOL! And why's the good feeling have to pass? am i missing something -or- just wishing for a happy ending;-)?

JustMeWriting said...

AHAHAHAH... girl, I've been sitting up in my room SINCE... naw, he's 'off-limits' can't touch dat...LOL. In a word... the big 'M'

Miss Snarky Pants said...

Aw's like dat???? LOLOLOL

JustMeWriting said...

HAHAHAHAH... well the mood has passed...hahaha... SEE, it don't take me long girl...LOL (although, I'll be back on it next month)...LOL.

that's my 'brown sugar-love of my life'...and that stuff never REALLY seems to go away...kinda creeps up on you in the middle of your life and sits there for a minute...

Miss Snarky Pants said... has happened/will happen to the best of us. Glad to hear you ain't hardly stressin tho' :-)

I knew you'd get past it!!

Now about next month....LOL

Anonymous said...

Oh SNAP! Somebody is SPRUNG! Say it ain't so Shug! What is we gone do?!?!?!?!?!

KIKI said...

I feel ya!

You dancin in front of the mirror, too? LOL

Rich Fitzgerald said...

Your likeness, singing your blues away - that's cute

Yeah sometimes you cant help it when those cobwebs spring up in the crevaces of your mind. The only thing you can do is reach for the broom and sweep them away.

Happens to the best of them.

Anonymous said...

That video always reminded me of having a crush in school.. reading the do you want to go with me letters on notebook paper, check yes.. or no.. lol..

Anonymous said...

Were you wathcing "Waiting to Exhale"? Damn that Angela Bassett & Wesley Snipes scene!!!!! Makes me miss good men too. LOL!

When you said "I ate this man people" MY MOUTH DROPPED TO THE FLOOR. I was like OMG! She's gettin' out of control with it....LOL!

ps. I love this song.

Organized Noise said...

I know how you feel. I met my "prototype" last year and now she is the measuring stick for all other women who come into my life.

Anonymous said...

Also, I swore I checked in on your blog Saturday. I didn't see this post. Are "we" back to waiting till I turn off the computer to post? Sneaky, sneak!

Ticia said...

I hate thinking about men..... I have just given up and given all aspects of love to God..... its too stressful....

Ms.Honey said...

I so use to jam to this song when I had my first bf in middle school..I tell ya how love changes

Mizrepresent said...

Well, all i can say, is i hear first, was and will always be at the very top of my list. He treated me well, he is the plan, and i'm just glad i got to experience that...too bad he's married...but on occasion, i miss him too! Nice post girl, hang in there, i was told we should all experience at least 3 great loves in our lifetime, darn....i'm on my last one.

JustMeWriting said...

ms.b: LOL... I'm glad you KNEW it next month (we shall

soj: LOL... you so silly...well i'm just reflecting on an ol spring.

kiki: HAHAHAH, dancing and trying on different

rich: lol @ 'my likeness', yeah she does look CUTE in that video (just playing). Yeah...but when it's good...when you have those sweet memories of love's past; when it's GOOD to remember...I don't sweep them away like trash, but I put them in a pretty box on a high shelf so I can pull it down when I want to be reminded of what to expect from new love.

msrebecca: yes it's so cute and fun (thanks for the visit)

nic: LOL... you so silly talken bout I'm getting out of control...HAHAHAHAH. YES girl, on the missing GOOD men...what a thought. got me again...sorry. LOL. ( on the waiting for you to leave)

o.n: "prototype"...I like that...EXACTLY

ticia: LOL...I LOVE thinking about, um, um... HAHAH, just kidding, but I know what you can't let thoughts of them or hope of love rule your life.

honey: you're so right about how love changes, but as long as it's for the better.

miz: GIRL...I second ALL that... hey, two down one to go for me too...can't wait to see who the lucky man will be...LOL.

dcsavvystar said...

Ahhhhhh Just! Girl, I know exactly - exactly how you feel!

Miss Snarky Pants said...

Girl...where you @ today?? I don't hardly appreciate coming up over here and seeing a post from a coupla days ago!!

Lemme find out you slackin' LOL

j/k lady!!

Nah forreal tho' what's really good with dat??

dc_speaks said...

wow...thats a powerful moment homegirl.

you are woman...hear you roar!!!

Jameil said...

you know i know how you feel. and yet i have no words. b/c there are none. its something you kind of have to work thru for yourself and for me almost 2 months later its still a daily struggle. i know that certainly didn't help but its real.

JustMeWriting said...

dcsavvy: GIRL... that thing ain't no joke, but we're cool.

ms.b: HAHAHAH... girl, I've been late wit thing but I'm tired this week, so I'll be stalking your page ALL DAY TODAY...LOL. (you brought it on yourself)

dc: hey dude

jameil: girl, I know that's right...but this was 10-year-old thought (he's been around since, but). I just fall into the memories from time to time. thanks lady.