Here's a video I got from a friend...after you've watched and heard my thoughts, please feel free to share your own!
Ok, YES, I most certainly agree that the historical teachings of Black culture has been “white washed” and watered down. It’s been restricted to telling tales of “good” Negro’s, as not to upset the “natural” order of things…like the “Pastor” said, “can’t have all those good white children learning about the likes of Nat Turner, but as I took in this video a couple of other problems arouse.
First - the need for self education, evaluation and exploration. We all know the truth, thus far, Black history has consisted of regurgitated bits of “white only pie,” – pie made by white’s only and feed to the people for digestion; we’ve eaten it again and again and still claim it to be filling, but it’s NOT. We have to go beyond what’s ‘acceptable’; we’ve got to WANT TO LEARN MORE. ‘Knowledge is POWER,” “We have NOT, because we want NOT,” Nobody should have to teach us about our own, we should be the teachers…we should be the ones with the Black History Promo’s, but instead we’re the audience. I agree with the thought, but not the process. Boycotting “white” sponsored Black history programs is just foolish; instead of wasting time organizing a “black-out” the focus should be promoting a “black-in”…I’m tired of the PROTEST…IT’S TIME FOR PROGRESS!!!
Second - issue that came about was this ‘minista’. His subdued tone would have been great if his presence commanded respect; there seemed to be no POWER behind him or his words, which is why the interviewer was able to eat his debate and spit it out, laughing. He came off uneducated and unsure. He allowed himself to appear adjustable; easily maneuvered, instead of the regally affirmed stance he should have shown. If you’re going to offer public opinions on such issues, PLEASE have your stuff together! The embarrassment ensued by the reporter correcting his statement, sent me over the top. This effort came off as a joke to white America, simply because of this guys inability to exude the force that once stood behind the fist he threw in the air!
Sunday, October 7, 2007
The OTHER Problem
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2:20 PM
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JMW I agree wholeheartedly. While his stance is admirable and I agree that we as a people should reject the BET cliff notes version of Black history... I wish the first person who spoke loudly had not just got off the prison bus 20 minutes earlier.
This is a shining example of how the white owned media takes our truth and makes it seem foolish. The only reason this "preacher" was allowed to be interviewed was to make those of us who reject White sponsored black history teachings look just as uneducated and unversed. He looked like a reject from X-clan rather than an educated brother. Red, Black & Green wrist bands...I mean did he just go through the box clothes his momma saved for him in the 90's. All he was missing was the leather Africa medallion.
In order to contradict this portrayal we have to stand firm in our own truth and beliefs by keeping this discussion going. If Jena taught us nothing else it taught us the power of the black blogger, the black presence, and the black voice. We are the voice the Fox news network is afraid of ... that's why the put the least of us up front. This way they could mock us all.
yeah, he played himself.
Excellent post!! I could not agree with you more. I'm sick of the boycotting and protesting too! When are we gonna stop talking and start doing?
Let me add this to the education of Honey by JM :)
Before I read your thoughts, I was shaking my head like this dude as no umph in his voice. And what was up with the wristbands? Ingrid said right "He looked like a reject from X-clan"
its Fox News what else should we expect. They are not going to get the brotha with his $hit together that will be able to challenge the status quo. Pookie serves them better. I bet this dude dates or is married to a white woman. Yeah I said it.
What Mos Def wasn't availible???
Watching that video...PISSED ME OFF!! First of all, as the rest of you have mentioned...Where in the world did they find THAT brother. There are far too many more articulate brothers who feel the same way that they could have gotten for this debate. And when the reporter pointed out his incorrect grammer...I honestly wanted to slap both of them..."Pastor" for sounding like a fool & the reporter for pointing out that he was looking like a fool.
Yeah, I too agree that the black history taught in schools is "his" story & not "our" story, but I'm behind you 100% in that it's not the schools responsibility...It's our responsibility as parents & role-models to teach our children who we are & where we came from...
Ok...I'm going to stop now, cause I can go on and on about this...
All I can think about right now is "School Daze" & dude ringing that bell...WAKE UP!!!
It is interesting how quick some of us are to criticize another brother or sister who on one hand they agree with the premise but look for reasons to criticize.
Many of us have the Howard Coselle attitude, hatin' on the boxer in the ring from a safe distance away from the ring but never taking a punch.
This is why many of our people don't stand up for anything because as soon as we open our mouths we now that the critics will come out of the woodwork talking about how they woulda, coulda, shoulda done better...
Its easy to sit back and make disrespectful comments on a blog but to put yourself out there standing for anything takes more courage than being able to type on a keyboard...
So, I wasn't animated enough?
Then you would have said I was too animated, wouldn't you?
As far as the X-Clan comments...
What do you want, saggin pants and a baseball cap or $5,000 Brooks Brother's suit. Either way if you are that shaloow you would have found fault...
Now, this was Fox News, not talking about black history at a water cooler. Fox can make you look anyway they choose. So, if you have never gone up against those odds, you have no reference point. If you think that you can represent your position better , then by all means do it.
But if you wanna debate me, yourself, we can make it happen over blog radio or some other medium...
Hello sir,
I'm sorry that you felt disrespected, but this video was made public for any and everyone to see...therefore opinions are to be made I'll say this...because I share the ideology, I chose to discuss the methodology and the manner things were presented.
Like my father used to say, “It’s not what you do, but HOW you do it.” Now, you’re correct in that whole “back seat driver” type comment, however, I believe people should stick to what their good at UNTIL they perfect something else.
I don’t care if you wore a $3,000 Brooks Brothers suite, a Dashiki and sandals or nothing at all just as long as you’re capable of properly and thoroughly expressing yourself… and rendering THEM speechless. Bottom line…if you’re going to do something like that it’s GOT to be right!
Sometimes people have good ideas and good intentions, but are poor conveyers, then it becomes necessary to delegate!
But here's the thing. Everybody can sit back in judgement but until you have walked a mile in a man's shoes...I understand that the video was "public" for all to see but when you put something on a blog, it becomes public as well.
We all make choices and you "choose" to point out the positive or the negative.
Kind of like the old "holier than thou" Bible toting, scripture quoting lady who sits in the back of the church critiquing everybody in the choir after church, but does not have the guts to get up in front of the congregation, herself...But when someone hear's her and calls here out on her running her mouth she hides behind her "holiness" and plays innocent...And just like somebody should challenge the old lady to a
singing contest, I am challenging you to a debate, once again via conference call or blog radio. You get your "peoples" and I'll get mine.
Like I said, if you think that you can do better, by all means do it.'
No one has a monopoly on speaking out and instead of criticizing others, that same energy can be spent doing your own thing...
I am not responding to you for my benefit, I don't know you but I am responding because I don't want the next person who could "do better" to be discouraged because they may feel that if they step out somebody on a blog is going to crown themselves the resident smart person and take cheap shots.
So, the best way to handle that is if someone publicly calls you out accept that as a challenge and publicly challenge them to a debate...
So, when would you like to debate me to show me how it's done?
I DARE not even ATTEMPT to associate myself with such a thing. "FOOLS GOLD," comes to mind for some reason...go fight the "good" fight sir, keep your focus...don't waste your time here, because TRUST's a waste.
but thanks for the comments "pasta".
Ok Cool. But for me personally, I never mention anybody's name that I am not willing to debate. That is why I am real cautious about what I say about people. It's better to remain silent then to have someone make you eat your words.
I think to "throw a rock and then hide your hand" is a cowardly move.
As a parting lesson, when you take cheap shots at people on the internet, don't assume that they will not see it and call you on it..
HAHAHAH... NEVER, as my grandmother taught me..."never say anything behind a persons back that you couldn't say to their face" so via our emails...I'm glad I got to hear my words "to your face."
Peace to you
No, not really. I just happened to stumble on your post so I don't really think that counts as approaching a brother or sister in unity.
If I had not seen the post, it would have been what it was...
A cheap shot from someone who did not think that they woulod be held accountable.
There is another saying that "Grandma" used to say about "not letting your mouth write a check that you can't cash"
Since you have tried to wiggle out of your opportunity to prove that you can do better in a debate, I think that this is appropriate...
Feel free to disable comments at this point...
Sir, as you can clearly see there are many post containing Youtube video's and I've never made it a point to contact the people in the video to inform them of my posting, BUT when contacted by them I've never held my thoughts.
Call it what you will..."wiggle" or's just a waste of my time debating ANYTHING with you...I've got bigger fish to fry, so PLEASE focus on your issues and AGAIN, THANKS FOR DROPPING BY!!!
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