Wednesday, February 27, 2008


HEY YOU GUYS... There a lot going on in Philly in the coming week(s). Check it out:

This Grand Opening of Goodlife Fpridays at Club 27 is going to set the stage for many great events to come. I'VE GOT TICKETS ($15) and they're going FAST so let me know how many you need ASAP. PLEASE EMAIL ME AT TLKW200@YAHOO.COM or call my

Club 27 - 27 Bank St (Old City)

For Further Details HIT ME UP!!!


Jazzy said...

Ummm what's the hook-up price for your favorite Blog homies? Is you sayin Freee??? Word?

Does that free fee also include open bar, VIP, food, etc. Word???

LOL...let me stop! I wont be in Philly any time soon, but have lots of fun and take lots of pics!

JustMeWriting said...

HAHAHAHA... you know it girl... I GOT CHU!!! LOL. You're going to have to make it your bitness to get ya-self down (over) here because it's LOTS going on... and like a friend told me..."I'm on EVERYBODY'S VIP list" (I WISH) lol.

Miss Snarky Pants said...

Shame I won't be round those parts. Hope you and everyone else who CAN come out will Enjoy. :-)

Paula D. said...

I miss the social events in Philly....However, I don't miss the cold weather :-)

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

sounds like fun , have a great weekend

Yasmeen Christian said...

Sounds good ;-)

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ticia said...

Hey Lady!
I love Raheem... with those juicy lips!

Anonymous said...

Always with the latest Philly news!

JustMeWriting said...

Hello all...

Ticia...LOL... girl, you ain't NEVA lied!!!

Nic: would be nice to SEE you out to one of these events.

Ms. B: I MIGHT be coming to Brooklyn tomorrow...I'LL LET YOU KNOW.

Shai said...

I love me some Raheem too. Whoo-hooo.

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.