Tuesday, April 24, 2007

'when i grow up, i wanna be like my mommy...

As parents we love to see our children taking an interest in our interest...it just brings a smile to our face and joy to our heart, "look at my lil mini-me". Well, I, like all you other parents, feel very strongly about the aforementioned, but believe our little tikes may require a lil push...a lil probing to steer them in the 'right' direction.

With that said, I'd like to tell you how I'm going about doing so with my very own baby son, (Bless his lil mimicking heart).

My baby son, aka, my youngest who just turned 11, has decided to put together a band with one of his friends... YIPPY, (I've always wanted to be apart of a band). My b.s (baby son) has taught himself to play the keyboard and is becoming quite good, (I've always loved the sound of the paino) Anyway, he's going to play keyboards and his friend is going to play the electric guitar (don't really know how good he is, but I'm sure we can work with him).

Like any good band they'll need a hook...a theme...a genre, so me being the loving, enlightened mother I am, suggested they be somewhat of a Civil Rights band, and adding songs like 'Come by Here Dear Lord' and 'We Shall Overcome' to their repertoire of music to perform. I even went so far as to suggest they call themselves, "Baby Black Panthers" (that's hot...my baby's gone be just like his mommy).

Since I must show my support, I'm putting myself in the mix and didn't stop with the hook and name suggestion...no way, what kind of mother do you think I am? I've also taken the liberty of getting their wardrobe together; image is EVERYTHING! I've invisioned them adorned in a multi-colored dashiki with a matching (Eddie Murphy: Golden Child/Coming To America) hat, black OR brown sandals and some leather gloves with the fingers cut off (gotta symbolize their youth) and no self-respecting civil-rights youth band would be caught in concert without the proper attire.

I didn't want to intrude or impose too much of myself on the precious little babies, despite how much he wants to be like mommy, I'm forced to encourage his individuality, so I'm pretty much leaving the other aspects of our band up to him and his friends.

I hope my sharing this peek into the life of me, the mother, has convinced all you others to be more involed in the life and interest of your children...after all, they are mirrors of us!

p.s I'll let you know how things turn out with the band...hopefully I'll be able to send some pictures of them all wearing their lil outfits...(bless his lil mimicking heart)

This has been a joke...I hope it brought tears of laughter (as it did me while writing it) LOL!


Anonymous said...

Awww, you and your son look so cute in that picture! Is that a recent picture of you two? I feel like this post is more truthful then a joke. You seem like you would be an overbearing mother.

Sike, Everybody got joke this morning. LOL!!!!

JustMeWriting said...

LOL...yes, that's us just yesterday...hahah! WHAT! How DARE YOU... I'm not overbearing AT ALL. lol.

Anonymous said...

Ha! That was funn. The whole time I'm reading this I'm like "wait a minute, this doesn't seem right". And when you wrote, "(don't really know how good he is, but I'm sure we can work with him)" I'm like ...oh crap, we've got another Tina Knowles lol.

Sheletha said...

lol @ nic (tina knowles)

the only thing I could think of was the Class of 3000

Mizrepresent said...

Girl, i was just shaking my head at "Baby Black Panthers" and those red, green and black outfits, SMH and thinking, lord help this child! But all was good and funny! Like someone once said, "laughter is the best medicine."

JustMeWriting said...

LOL... see you guys ALMOST thought I was a total NUT.. HAHAHAH! But I'm glad you learned THE TRUTH...LOL. (that I'm not a TOTAL nut)and I'm glad you found it funny.

Cortney Gee and The Celebrity Cane Corsos said...

I didn't know that you even had kids wow ... the next Micheal Jackson and the 5 huh.. congrats do a youtube of dude doing his thang what instrument he play ?

JustMeWriting said...

CORT: YOU BETTA KNOW THAT WAS A JOKE... LOL. well majority of it...my son (11) actually does play the paino...everything was true except my involvment. lol.

KIKI said...

BLACK POWER!(LMAO)...you can't imagine the visual I was gettin(ROFL!)...I must admit you got me...good one!

KIKI said...
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dc_speaks said...

OMG....that is so precious!! I have no comment!

JustMeWriting said...

LOL... yeah right if this was TOTALLY true, I'd be a mess... lol.