Friday, June 22, 2007

RANDOM QUESTIONS's Friday and I'm bored (yeah, that's everyday, but whatever).

Today's random question is :

If you were a musical instrument what would you be and why?



Miss Snarky Pants said...

Here I go....lurking again LOL

Oddly enough, I didn't have to put much thought into my choice....

I definitely wouldn't wanna be anything too extravagant sort of like a piano.

Truth is I'd likely wanna be a triangle *instrument*--Don't you dare laugh at me--LOL

Seriously though, I like that it's a simple instrument--different (if you will)--and a favorite among children.

Much like I am as a person. :-D

Sheletha said...



I just thought of the SNL bit after I saw the triangle.

JustMeWriting said...

LOL...oh, just STAY cracking me up...a triangle and you THINK I'm not going to laugh...HAHAHAHAH! (sorry boo-boo) but I'm feeling you on the difference and you're right children do love really makes a lot of sense.

sheletha: lol...cowbells, you two are killing me...hahahahah! wow, that's another DIFFERENT one.

Ok, now I feel all EXTRA because I'd want, no NEED to be a Bass guitar. There's nothing like it to me and I love musical instruments, but that one...

my eyes would see it as a deep brown color, and to my hands it's smooth, soft and nose might think it's a peach; it's the only instrument that gives my face a's so funky!

Anonymous said...

I am a sax all day long! Complicated to play, sensual to hear, and only experience musicians can get the best um "notes". A sax played well is probably the most... Oh my bad... Never mind that last train of thought.

I'm a saxophone... *blushing*

JustMeWriting said...

LOL...ok ingrid...keep it clean...keep it clean...LOL. (kidding) but yes girl, I'm feeling that two...that was always me second love...that, actually the instrument I'd love to learn to play...and there aren't many female sax players, but...oh yeah...I'm feeling that reason TOO...LOL.

CapCity said...

I'd be a drum - cuz i love to be rolled. LOL!

Rich Fitzgerald said...

definitely a saxaphone and as for why....what ingrid said

Vickie said...

a violin...
why:i don't know sounds pretty,and i could'nt think of anything else...thanx for stopping by

anonymousnupe said...

A kalimba (or mbira), so that whenever I heard EW&F's song I could imagine it was written for me. And what a cool sound it makes. It reminds of me how I want to be: cool, complex, but pure, real, crisp.

Ray said...

I would have to say the drums....

Shai said...

I have to say a piano. I would want a song that uses most of the keys so I could be touched in so many ways. I admire folks who can play the piano cause it ain't easy. :)

Anonymous said...

Baby Grand Piano!! Or a Motif 9 Yamaha keyboard!

Anonymous said...

I would want to be THE DRUMS I dont know why, but I just would! =)

deepnthought said...

late to the party as usual.

I would be I would be a soprano sax.

Not only does a person have to be very skilled to play me but, I am reserved for the complicated melodies and unique but difficult songs.

field negro said...

A dejembe (African drum) cause it looks so cool, and...well it's from Africa ;)

The Humanity Critic said...

I always wanted to be a bass drum, I don't know

dc_speaks said...

a bass guitar. it's an instrument that could make the sound more involved and strong. or it could be left out completely and noone would ever notice that it's not there.

it cold be bold or completely unassuming.

plus thats the insturment that Fred Hammond plays. smile!

The Second Sixty-Eight said...

An Electric Guitar. Y? Because I would be the star when Computer Blue, Bambi and Little Wing were performed! And some of you female instruments are nazzty!!!!

Anonymous said...

i would be a bass. I want to be the underneath that holds everything else. i want to be the one that keeps the time and sets the rhythm. I want to be the heartbeat of life.

Dangerfield said...

Thats a hard question to answer. I love the accoustic bass. Whenever their was a bass line I liked I used to put my ear to the stereo in order to try to learn the bass line. But I would have to say a piano (full grand of course). That grand piano would be like a woman to me, I would not be able to keep my hands off of her. Heck, I only have a keyboard and I have to touch her everyday.

Anonymous said...

I don't know, I'm so confused. Damn you!

JustMeWriting said...

cap: YES... I love the drums too...I beat on

rich: yeah, the sax is great and so was ingrids

vicky: the violin makes beautiful music and that's reason're welcome.

nupe: YOU...(that's all I'm saying)

ray: yeah...good choice

shai: yes...the paino and I love your reason...LOL.

dj: yeah...I'm actually feeling the keyboard that's what my son has...GREAT.

lil ms: yeah...I think the drums would be great for you...they're so energetic.

deep: betta late then never...and look at chu with the FANCY sax...go head girl. lol.

field: LOL... yeah...I love the sound of them too and the

humanity: the bass drum is the time's great. thanks for the visit.

dc: I love the bass and yeah...that's what fred plays (so well)

2nd 68: LOL... you so silly, but good choice.

soj g: UM...nice, so that would be the bass drum, or any bass sound...all having the same effect though.

mark: that's how women should be thought of...THANK YOU...LOL.

nic: LOL... WHAT...where ya poems? lol.