Tuesday, July 3, 2007


I was tagged by Ingrid to do this flashback into my life, so here you guys go...AND YOU'D BETTA NOT LAUGH! The layout isn't good, but this is BabyMe: I was a 1-year-old and my mom had gotten this picture taken at Sears...they thought I was such a precious baby they used this pic as their promotional display baby (so I was a model in my early years...LOL)

Swings i'm seven and you can tell by my black knees that I was a straight up tomboy...sticks and bricks baby...lol. Thats my little brother next to me...he was three and precious.

This mili-vanille pic-I'm 18 and obviously on crack to have even THOUGHT I was trying to be sexy, but oh well...you live and you learn.

This is me the teen-mom and my oldest son who was a year-old. DON'T TALK ABOUT ME!!!

This is me at about 26 at that's my sister who was about 20/21...yeah, I was STILL kinda boyish, but SO WHAT!!!

and that's ALLL folks. I DARNED not show my High School Grad pic's...cause then I'd have to cill-ya!



Sheletha said...

those two barrets in the fro is priceless!!!

Miss Snarky Pants said...

Awww...that was a great flashback lady.

Yeah..LOL I could see "tomboy" written all over them knees but it's all good. At least you weren't anything like the little girls of today *SIGH*

:-D Girl ain't it funny how a person couldn't tell us we weren't the ish back then but when we look at the photos now (some years later) it's more like...what in the hell....


Hope you enjoy your holiday!

anonymousnupe said...

Hey, you were kinda cute back in da day. What happened?! (I know I don't hafta say Girl, I'm just kiddin', 'cause you already know it. No I'm not.)

Anonymous said...

Awww, what cute (and funny) pictures. I was really expecting baby T to have her black power fist up though lol! Oh well. You're a panther now. That's all that matters.


JustMeWriting said...

sheletha: LOL... what chu think about me wearing my that style now...lol hum?

ms.b: LOL...girl, a HOT mess. I'm about to burn all these pictures. oh, and I was wearing clogs and a hardy boys/nancy drew tee on that swing (I was kinda whitish too) lol.

nupe: LOL... you always tryna bring me down...LOL. but I KNOW you're kidding. HUMPH!!!

nic: thank you lamb-chop...lol, girl I had my fro-tho...lol I was getting my mind ready hahah!

Jazzy said...

Lawd @ those shorts in the last pic...lmao. I'm laughing WITH you...not AT you!

In the next to the last pic, you and MsB look like you could be sisters!

Cracking up @ "the milli vanilli" look. lmao

Awwwwwwww @ the first two pics!!

Great post girl!

Tasha said...

What a great flashback, thanks for sharing! Hope you have a wonderful holiday

Anonymous said...

HA!!!LOL at the Sponge Bob draws!
You were such a cutie back in the day! Nothing at all like now unfortunately.

Just kidding! You won my heart when you put 'em on the table (wink wink)!

deepnthought said...

tooooo precious.

Love the flash back.

Bananas said...

Hey now...you gotta love a woman in Sponge Bob pants.

You rocked those bad baby's too the hilt!

wendall said...

LoL! Nice flashback. That pic where you are laid across the couch was mad funny! You gotta put your other pics up so we can see them!

JustMeWriting said...

op.d: LOL...DIDN'T I SAY DON'T LAUGH...lol. (OH, YOU'RE WIT ME). I sometimes FEEL like me and ms.b could be sisters...LOL.

tasha: thanks lady...you have a great weekend as well.

soj: LOL... you are TOO much.

deep: thank you G.W.O.G. (Great Woman Of God) that's my name for you.

terry: LOL... I'm a kid at heart...thank you.

anointed: YOU THINK THIS IS A GAME...lol. I'll not allow myself to be made mockery of any further...LOL..

Dangerfield said...

Ahhhhhh. This is such a sweet post. Your gonna make some week minded male bloggers fall in love with you.

Dee said...

luv the shorts!

dc_speaks said...

oh. how precious. im proud of you and your courage to expose the dark knees...lol..

CapCity said...

u were such a Cuuuuutttie PIE! the rest of the photos were fun - don't be so hard on yaself, sis! u have grown into a beautiful Queen! hugz!

Risa said...

That was a great flashback and the moments that are caught on film are "priceless"! Treasure those pictures Just!

Coko Mulan said...

Aww this was cute! U were a cute baby... and the pic with ur son is 2 precious.. i *heart* candid pics.. I won't comment on the spongebob.. lol

Rich Fitzgerald said...

that was a nice presentation.

JustMeWriting said...

mark: LOL... dag mark, now how could an obviously SMART man be weak minded...LOL. (thank you)

gc: thank you lady...I can't find them now...guess i'll have to get more.

dc: proud of me huh...LOL... thanks

cap: thank you lady...where u been? Yeah...I loved being a tomboy still do.

malieta: YES... that's what REALLY got me into these pic's, watching home videos with my son the night before. PRICELESS.

mzcoko: LOL... hey lady (I'm loving that pic of you)thanks...I love old pics...I have a ton...lol don't talk bout my shorts.

rich: LOL...-presentation huh...LOL. thanks.

feels good b n FREE said...

grrr-eat pix!!!

Anonymous said...

I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT!!!!!!! Sorry it took me so long to roll through work has been hectic this week. Thank you so much for your support and I am glad I got to see you growing up. That Prom date Pic is still elusive but I'm sure it will turn up. When it does I will trade that pic for a high school pic of you.

Thanks Girl. Loved Your pics!

Nikita T. Mitchell said...

love the pics! You were a cute baby and the pic ofyou and ur son is priceless as well

Nikita T. Mitchell said...

love the pics! You were a cute baby and the pic ofyou and ur son is priceless as well

JustMeWriting said...

free: thanks lady.

ingrid: SEE WHAT YOU MADE ME DOD...LOL. HUM...that sounds like a deal, but it'll have to be private, cus then I'd have to cill....LOL

madem: why, thank you kindly for the kind words and the visit.