Monday, August 6, 2007

I Think, Therefore, I AM (at least to somebody)

GUESS WHAT GUYS...INGRID THINKS I THINK, AND HAS HONORED ME WITH THIS AWARD TO PASS ON TO YOU: (I made a lil boo-boo; Sojourner gave me this honor about a month or so ago and I FAILED to do the post-sorry dude). I'm sure most of you have been honored with this already and all others have seen it, so no need for an intro.

dcsavvy: I happened upon this young lady by way of another blogger (who'll be mentioned below)and loved the look and feel of her page, oh the radiance of that bright star. She was entertaining, but thought provoking to say the least; that neighborhood post sealed things for me, and she's not stopped yet.

Dj Black Adam: I'm sure he's been honored before, but I'm keeping this The majestic figure sitting in that chair adorned in super-hero attire and crowned with wisdom has captured my attention from day one; from religion, politics to race relations, his post are always informative and interesting.

Sugar & Spice: MAN, sometimes I hate going to their site because I don't want to think ALL THE TIME...LOL. I'm drawn into them with EVERY post and I'm forced to engage. They're on a mission to guide and protect women as they embark on journey's into life, love and relationships and they do it with THUNDER! This is also where I found dcsavvy...double blessing.

Nupe: Now this dude doesn't even blog on a regular basis, but he floats around blogworld like some sort of guardian angel (using angel real loosely) LOL. He's such an intellectual and you'd think he'd JUST be a geek, but NO...he's got a heck of a sense of humor...what a force (I'm a movement by myself...hahah). Thanks for ALL you do dude...we've got much work in store...can't wait!

This last spot is shared because I just couldn't leave any of these guys out; finding them was the gateway into blog-heaven for me. Most times I just read and don't contribute, mainly because there's never much for me to expand on...I usually just agree. Such super-powers these Kings are and I'm pleased to sit on the side and feed on their knowledge and leadership: Mark, Field Negro, Native Son, Assult, Sojourner,


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You are the very definition of an opinion leader. You were making people think long before there was a manufactured award for it. Congrats and thanks for doing all you do.

JustMeWriting said...

nic: thanks shuga-pie, but it's a small-small thing I do...LOL. sike!!!


anonymousnupe said...

Congrats, JMW! You're worthy of all the accolades and cooties.

And I didn't know you felt that way about me. I'm all verklempt over here at my desk now. I have no idea how or why I made the list with those erudite folk. Especially after, you know, the jalapeƱo "incident."

Miss Snarky Pants said...

You go you...thinking blogger you :-)
Congrats girl!!!

Ms.Honey said...

Very very interesting I'm gonna have to check some of them out...

You do deserve that award cause you always make me think :)

Diva's Thoughts said...

Congrats girl! This was beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I agree with your thinking blogger choices 110%. By the way try your hand at the contest on my blog so far GC has most of them right but at least one is completely wrong and 1 is only half right. Good Luck!

dcsavvystar said...

awww! Just! Girl - You know that you are a skilled woman when it comes to making us think. Seriously. Thank you, my sister!
BTW - I am loving, loving, loving the look of your page! loves it!

Ab said...

oi... wer did u get this template?
its kinda cool....

JustMeWriting said...

awwww shucks...I bet you guys say this to alll the bloggers...LOL. Thanks guys!

dcsavvy:'s so funny you should come by here on this must have felt me shooting you out...LOL.

ab: hey, thanks and I spent the whole saturday looking for the perfect template...and I FOUND, I think the link is on the bottom though.

CapCity said...

congrats, sis!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for thinking of me, I am glad you find something good on my blog!!

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Opulently I assent to but I contemplate the post should acquire more info then it has.